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Water Treatment Operator Training in California

The following is a list colleges where you may obtain specialized training in water treatment. You must contact the organization directly for specific information on when courses will be given.

Posted in Education

Iron and Manganese Removal – Focal Points

MODULE A: PRINCIPLE, STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION CONCEPT: PRINCIPLE OF IRON & MANGANESE REMOVAL 1. Identify the characteristics of an atom, an element, and a compound. 2. Define an ion, anion, and a cation. 3. Explain where iron and manganese are found,

Posted in Study Material

Coliform Bacteria

Coliform Bacteria are not disease producing organisms by themselves. Coliform bacteria are an indicator of disease producing organisms like e.coli. When coliform bacteria are present, it’s an indication the water source may have been contaminated by surface water or fecal

Posted in MCL

What is Turbidity?

Turbidity is the measurement of the clarity or cloudiness of water. A turbidity measurement is used to determine the quality of drinking water and the effectiveness of the filtration process.  High turbidity levels can often signal higher levels of disease

Posted in Glossary of Terms

Calculating MCL

What is equivalent daily human intake for the average human? Intake = RfD × body weight = 1 × 70 = 70 mg/day (Assume RfD = 1 mg/kg/day) What concentration in drinking water would provide this intake? Water concentration =

Posted in MCL

Maximum Contaminant Levels for Drinking Water

MCL is the Maximum Contaminant Level, or concentration of a chemical, that is allowed in public drinking water supplies.  MCL standards are set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). There are currently fewer than 100 chemicals with a set MCL.

Posted in MCL


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  • 01-27-15
    NEW Added 100 question practice test which shows answers immediately, instead of at the end.
  • 11-10-14
    Complete redesign of website to match our Water Distribution Certification website. Also, working on new content to be added soon.

Glossary of Terms

Adsorption - The collection of a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance on the surface or interface zone of another material.

Quick Facts

Pure water (solely hydrogen and oxygen atoms) has a neutral pH of 7, which is neither acidic nor basic.